SEP 23, 2019 – Peggy’s Cove, NS  

We drove away from Halifax having had a terrific weekend that was sunny and warm and made us feel like Nova Scotia was a terrific place to be. We drove towards the south and west in the direction of the coast with our destination the World Heritage site of the town of Lunenburg.

We took a detour to Peggy’s Cove, known for its quaint village and lighthouse. It’s a tiny village!!! We parked and wandered up to the rocky area surrounding the lighthouse. What a spot!

The Lunenburg Campground was located at the edge of town, up on top of the hill. The town’s architecture is notably eighteenth century and the streets are narrow and easier to walk than drive (in a RV).

SEP 24, 2019 – Lunenburg, NS

We walked down to the waterfront on the 24th and encountered strange activity that impeded access to some of the docks. It turns out that the town is being used to film some of the scenes of The Good House starring Sigourney Weaver and Kevin Kline. We didn’t see them but others had!!  We walked a good portion of the town near the harbor and then enjoyed a quiet evening in the RV as we start to plan our return journey to Massachusetts.  It’s time to start planning for any warranty work that needs to be scheduled at the place we bought from a year ago, and to coordinate the schedule for our upcoming family reunion October 18.